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Full Version: Point Cook Wants To Secede From Australia
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First of all... LOL! But they're serious!

Fed up with government, Point Cook residents have started a push to become a sovereign land

A group of residents in the Melbourne suburb of Point Cook are trying to enact a radical plan to become their own sovereign territory.

Thats right, they want to secede from the lucky country and have started a movement to do so.

Point Cook is rapidly growing in population and the group, led by Tony Hooper, say they are tired of being ignored by both the state and federal government.

Mr Hooper admits the notion of secession is an unprecedented one, but believes desperate times call for desperate measures.

Its madcap, its crazy, but the situation were dealing with is crazy to begin with, he told the ABC.

With the increasing size of the suburb, at the heart of his discontent is the lack of jobs, insufficient public schooling, lack of policing, poor access to public transport and overcrowded roads.

The group are ultimately asking for an arrangement similar to that of Monaco in the south of France which has governed itself since 1419. The Point Cook population of 43,991 is about 6000 more than Monaco.

In an effort to grow their support, the group penned a petition calling on the government to grant the suburb a referendum on the issue of succession.

We feel that Point Cook is not getting a fair go. We are asking to be able to decide the future for our town, the petition begins.

It is sheer lunacy to build a suburb knowing that issues exist with infrastructure, schools, communications, roads, and more. Then to make it worse by adding more homes, it has gone well beyond a joke.

At the time of writing, the petition had garnered over 800 signatures on the way to its goal of 1000. But as their campaign has begun to receive attention, the groups plan has also been met with backlash on social media.

Good on them, presumably they will provide their own hospitals schools roads etc?

Well they'll be right for defence! Utilise the odd Caribou for hospitals and schools and extend the runway and a tollbooth towards the Westgate Fwy... busiest road in Australia Big Grin