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Full Version: Rented Property For 1 Year-difficult
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Hi Everyone,

Please let us know if you can advise on the following request:

We rented a property in Melbourne in October 2009 for a fixed 1 year term. My Husband got a job in Sydney and had to move.I gave landlord notice to vacate on 2 April, vacated the property on 20 April 2010.The landlord-agent have asked us to pay all the advertexpenses ($649) for leasing out the property.We paid that.Also asked us to pay until the new tenant comes in as that is what we had signed for.We made the payments so far that is from 20 April 2010 till rent for the week ending 31st May 2010.Also I have listed the house on gumtree and is helping the agent so that the property is leased.It is becoming very difficult for me now to continue like this.I am paying the rent of $250/w for the this house.Also where I am currently living I am paying $330/w. My husband is the only earning member in family as I am unemployed.We are not even getting any centrelink benefits.The agent who has advertised on real estate website are now asking for $260/w which will be increased to $270/w

From Gumtree we got sufficient reply and we had forwarded to the agent, for which they said those applicants are not genuine and plz do not send any more reference henceforth.

What are my options?
hi bina, i would contact consumer affairs!



sounds like you are getting a raw deal. real estate agents are known to stretch the boundaries of what is allowed by law! don't thrust them.

cheers, glen