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Please suggest me the best calling cards to call Nepal.

thanks in advance.
not fiance uses "hello china" phone cards to call china. and they are very cheap.

i don't know if hello china works for nepal though.
[quote name='bishal' post='27905' date='Jul 9 2010, 07:29 PM']Please suggest me the best calling cards to call Nepal.

thanks in advance.[/quote]

There are lots of calling cards to call Nepal. I recommend you to buy the calling cards from reputable companies.

Here are some calling cards provider companies.
International calling card is the cheapest way to make calls to Nepal from Australia. If you are in Australia and make calls to Nepal frequently so use international calling cards to make a cheap call and stay connected with your loved ones at home.

There are lots of International calling cards online for you to choose from.
The other day I noticed a few others that do Nepal.

One was called "FastTrek" another one was called "Crystal Phonecards" and there was another one called "Saffron Phonecard".

Maybe you can google their websites. Cheapest was about 16 cents per minute I think.