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Full Version: Rain/no Rain
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Has everyone gone to the Moon?

Since the rain stopped so have the posts.

Here is a question for The Green Guy, or anyone for that matter.

Why did women sacrifice their femininity for feminism?

Can a woman have both?
Hey Peter! I just got back from tassie. I thought I could visit an internet cafe or somethng to login but no such luck.

Fishing was OK but the weather was terrible! We had snow for a few minutes! Freezing! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/kosa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':kosa:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Interesting question, is it that women sacrificed their feminity or is it perceived that they have lost it. Men and women are different, but the very basis of feminity is equal standing for men and women. It doesn't mean that we want to be men.

Feminity is something that not all women express outwardly ( for example- I am all for equal rights for women etc, however I am not a giry girl)

If a man supports feminsim, he is not any less masculine so how come society perceives a woman to be less feminine? I don't think it is that women sacrifice their feminity, it is that society potrays the woman in such light.

In regards to the rain- maybe people are desperate to grab some sunshine since its supposed to be a wet summer.